I must admit that I am pretty useless in the kitchen. I know how to make about five things, three of which are chicken.
Luckily, however, I have some friends who are absolutely brilliant in the kitchen. Sometimes, when the things they make are very simple and require no more than about three steps, I can remember long enough to try them myself. But most of the time I just sit back, relax, put on some music, serve up some sparkling conversation and wait for dinner.
Which was pretty much my role at Leila's on Monday, and at Katie's tonight. Leila made manicotti using a homemade marinara sauce and ricotta that she seasoned herself, and oh man, was it amazing. Katie made an old favorite from the months I lived with her, a simple biscuits and gravy, but with the kind of homemade lovin' that only meals from a personal kitchen can have.

I took a break from these homemade meals Tuesday night when Katie and I went to one of our old haunts, Ale Mary's in Baltimore. It's one of my favorite pubs quite possibly ever, and of course the Catholic kitsch is just hilarious. They've made some new additions to the décor, including, but not limited to, a leg lamp à la "A Christmas Story." Go ahead and try to hate any place with a leg lamp on the bar. Go on, I dare you. It simply cannot be done.
I don't really remember what we ate, but I remember falling easily back into conversations with Katie about her new job, her family and friends, my family and friends, my trip, her pets, basically "of shoes and ships and sealing wax, and cabbages and kings." (That's Lewis Carroll, by the way, from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." Later co-opted by Disney.) Mostly what I am glad for in the two nights I'm spending here, in my old room and with an old friend, is how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends in my life.
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